Saluting the majestic Catherine Marriott.  Join us #StandwithMaz say #Time4Change and Vote 1 for #Moralintegrity 

With the hashtag #WhyIdidntreportit trending today I am a truly grateful for the majestic Catherine Marriott. She epitomises every single quality of the 7 types of people I want to surround myself with.

1) The inspired
2) The passionate
3) The motivated
4) The grateful
5) The open minded
6) The courageous #StandwithMaz
…..and the ones that make you smile, especially when you need it the most

There is a great article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald by @JacquelineMaley Good girls: absurd to expect women to respect systems which don’t serve them and using this quote from the article.

It is increasingly absurd to expect women to respect systems which not only don’t serve them, but which actively sabotage them when they try to do right.

The systems may seem immovable, but the atmosphere around them is changing.

More and more, the people who say women should shut up about it, or put up with it, or get over it, or bury it, are being answered with an unwelcome word: No.

I want to send this message to everyone out there who think all of the rural women and men who know and love Maz ( as she is affectionately called) will stop calling out poor behaviour and go away.

We will not.

We will #StandwithMaz until there is change.

Until Moral Integrity is revered in the National and Liberal Parties over Power

The behaviour you walk past is the standard you accept and as Barack Obama reminded us all yesterday the consequences of any of us sitting on the sidelines are far more dangerous. It might be some-one you love next.

Join us #StandwithMaz say #Time4Change and Vote 1 for #Moralintegrity 

Martin Luther King Quote.jpeg

Update June 2020

As the world continues to grapple with injustice and why people feel pwoerless to drive change this article gives insightsfrom a survivor